With the help of these 27 bottles of the Nakshatra Temple essences,you will establish a clear and pure connection with the celestial realm by clearing any obstacles or distortions you have created by lifestyle or thought patterns. You will be able to live with much greater cosmic awareness in accordance with Universal Law.For more information and guidance please download the href=" target="_blank">Cosmic Insights App.
These Essences give you a direct and conscious link with the Star Beings and their specific energies and teachings. As human beings we are not only inhabitants of the Earth, we are also part of the greater Cosmos.
- 1- Set ofall 27Individual Constellation Nakshatra Essences
- FreeBlack Storage and Carrying Case with individual storage slots
A portion of sales will be donated to help restore the href=" target="_blank">Shri MahalakshmiswararTemple for Anuradha located near Tirunindriyur in Nagapattinam.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat cure or prevent any disease.
Vedic Astrology - Nakshatra Essence Set